Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Kant s Theory Of Moral Theory - 1466 Words

Ever since Kant s publication of his renowned ethical treatises, deontologists and utilitarians alike have argued over which moral theory is most coherent. Yet, in Mill s critique of Kant, Mill sidesteps this issue, not by directly critiquing Kant s moral theory, but rather by asserting that Kant s moral theory is actually just a form of utilitarianism. Essentially, Kant s universal law test is nothing more than a veiled appeal to consequences, as Mill correctly claims in his critique of Kant. After evaluating what it means to have goodwill in his Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant finds that it cannot depend on any particulars of the action being done. It is not one s action or even the consequences of one s action that determines whether one has goodwill; as Kant asserts on page 416, what is essentially good in the action consists in the mental disposition, let the consequences be what they may. But, how do we determine what actions to undertake? On page 402, Kant argue s that it is a simple matter of not making an exception of yourself. As he states it, more formally, I should never act except in such a way that I can also will that my maxim should become a universal law. Kant asks only that, before acting, you ask yourself whether you could will this action to be a universal law that everyone should obey. Would you be content if this maxim, which is your subjective principle for acting, were applied in all future situations resembling this one? IfShow MoreRelatedImmanuel Kant s Moral Theory872 Words   |  4 PagesImmanuel Kant once argued that the rightness or wrongness of actions does not depend on their consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty. Which translates to do we as humans do things not because there s an underlying consequence but because we are programed to do these things whether they are right or wrong. I disagree with this theory because I believe we as humans do things based on an internal moral compass within ourselves that helps us determine whether things are right or wrong. KantRead MoreKantian Moral Theory : Kant s Philosophy1328 Words   |  6 PagesKantian Moral Theory In general, society considers lying to be negative and therefore one should not lie. Telling the truth is the morally right thing to do, and we should always be honest. Telling lies can leave us very stressed out and cause us to be deceitful towards others. We end up distorting ones views and perhaps even our own when we tell a lie that can lead to a snowball effect. Immanuel Kant has some of the strictest views on lying, and some philosophers claim there is something erroneousRead MoreCriticism Of Kant s Moral Theory1339 Words   |  6 PagesCriticism of Kant’s moral theory Introduction Kant’s theory states that for an action to be considered good, it must be considered permissible for the action to apply on another party without contradiction applying (Herman, 5). It additionally states that humans should not be considered as a means to an end but should be considered as an end themselves. It goes further to distinguish between perfect duties and those not perfect (Reath, 23). A perfect duty, for example, is toRead MoreKant s Theory Of Moral Knowledge1484 Words   |  6 Pagesways to attack the question. One philosopher, in particular, by the name of Immanuel Kant, attempted to determine the morality of actions by focusing on their nature. As Kant developed his theory, his approach toward proving moral knowledge soon became widely known as Kantian deontology. Kantian deontology is a form of duty-based ethics. This is in contrast to utilitarianism, which focuses on consequences (Kay 4). Kant rejected utilitarianism, because it focused on the results of the action rather thanRead MoreKant s Moral Theory And Ethics1407 Words   |  6 Pagesname of Immanuel Kant introduced the third major ethical philosophy, Deontology. The basis behind Deontology is that people are duty bound to act morally by certain standards despite the outcome. Determining whether a person’s actions are morally right involves look at the intent of the actions. Like other ethic theories, Deontologist applies the golden rule of treating other people the way you would want them to treat you. Deontology can be broken down into three different theories: agent-centeredRead MoreKant s Moral And Political Theory1888 Words   |  8 Pagesarguing in favor of one of the most important points of Immanuel’s Kant’s human rights view. Kant’s moral an d political theory plays a huge role in human rights. According to Kant, the power of the state should be limited in order to protect the people living in it. This way the government would be constrained by the law and it will allow individuals to think and decide for themselves which is how Kant explains how a human being should be rather than wait and be told by others. He assumes that if oneRead MoreKant s Moral Theory Essay965 Words   |  4 Pagesinjuries and fatal accidents? Kant’s moral theory can be a useful tool in determining the answers to these questions. Kant’s moral theory revolves around the idea that an act is morally right if it fulfills our duty, and morally wrong if it does not. His theory includes the concept of categorical imperative, he believes that this is the supreme principle of morality. Categorical imperatives are rules that apply always, no matter the circumstances. Kant’s theory also mentions maxims which are the subjectRead MoreKant And John Stuart Mill s Utility Based, Utilitarian Moral Theory1551 Words   |  7 PagesOne of the most intriguing aspects of moral theory is not merely analyzing disagreements between renowned, intellectual giants, but examining the ways in which near polar ideologies can arise to similar conclusions based on vastly different rationales. Immanuel Kant s duty-based, deontological moral theory and John Stuart Mill s utility-based, utilitarian moral theory are prime examples of ant ithetical viewpoints that share similar outlooks to ethical subjects such as lying and helping those inRead More Ethical and Philosophical Questions about Value and Obligation977 Words   |  4 Pagesand Obligation I Recall the distinction between metaethics and normative ethics. Normative ethics deals with substantial ethical issues, such as, What is intrinsically good? What are our moral obligations? Metaethics deals with philosophical issues about ethics: What is value or moral obligation? Are there ethical facts? What sort of objectivity is possible in ethics? How can we have ethical knowledge? Recall, also, the fundamental dilemma of metaethics. Either there are Read MoreEmmanuel Kant and Moral Theory1589 Words   |  6 Pagescontributions to moral theory is the concept of pure practical reason that, as an alternative to moral sense theory or teleological ethics, more positively views the capability of fallible individuals to act morally. Practical reason, the basis of Kantian metaphysics, was revolutionary because it challenged skepticism towards human moral capacities and insisted that the moral faculty is an implicit part of common human reason. Practical reason is an instrumental theory in Kants Metaphysics of Morals and greatly

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Introduction to Negotiation Free Essays

Introduction to Negotiation Negotiation is and activity that every individual caries out in his everyday life. We are constantly negotiation with ourselves, our family, friends, business, etc. Every activity that happens is the result of a negotiation – â€Å"Pros and Cons†. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to Negotiation or any similar topic only for you Order Now And thus negotiation can be defined as; â€Å"The means by which people deal with their differences† Negotiation is a continuous and an evolving process especially in a supply chain environment. A company cannot meet the expectation of its customers or shareholders single handed and thus there is lot of negotiation is involved and it is a continuous process. It is a process that emerges when there is a difference and it cannot be settled single handed without a negotiation. Negotiation is not necessarily a win-loose process, but a good negotiation process is where both parties accept a mutually beneficial or amicable solution. A Negotiation can be distributive or integrative depending on how it been conducted. A negotiation which involves hard bargaining and is mostly concentrated on one topic where usually the winner takes all is a distributive negotiation. There is little or no attention paid to relationship, consideration or sharing of information and are very aggressive. On the contrary an integrative negotiation is a process in which all parties cooperate to maximize the benefit to all parties and is commonly referred to as expanding the pie. There is lot of understanding among the parties and importance is paid to how more value can be generated in a continuing partnership. Sometimes depending on the topic a negotiation can get very complex. It could get into a Multi Phase Negotiation stage where one negotiation could lead into another negotiation with the complexity increasing at each stage. It could also get into a Multiparty Negotiation where the needs and want of other parties will require to be explored and will be included into further negotiations. Though there are many types or causes of negotiation, it is always important for an effective negotiation to underline once BATNA (Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement) and their Reservation Point. A BATNA is something which every negotiator should have, and is completely under his control. With this he should be able to set up his reservation point, something beyond which he should not negotiate. Once these are clearly understood and negotiated up on, we can at most of the time identify the ZOPA (Zone of Potential Agreement), which in most of the times overlaps both parties’ reservation points. Apart from the above other main elements that plays an important role in a negotiation and the most important is listening. Both parties should pay attention, listen and acknowledge the other parties BATNA and Reservation Points. This will not only improve relationships and achieve in establishing a ZOPA, but could also be beneficial to other departments or other entities that could have connection with your unit or industry. There should also be lot of preparation involved prior to a negotiation and preparation should focus on all areas. While a negotiation can be very effective, it could have several barriers. Therefore it is always important that some level of effort is put in in prior and during the negotiation. It is important to respect all parties and acknowledge their interests and concerns. Finding areas of common interests and sharing same, providing a comfort zone for negotiation, talking about past experiences, etc. , are some of the few ways to unwind before going into a negotiation process directly. Similarly it is important that during negotiation a process is clearly followed. The point around which discussion is taking places is well identifies and not deviated from and a clear time line is established. It is also important that the right persons are involved during the negotiation and the points negotiated upon is justifiable There should be room for flexibility all barriers like lack of trust, excessive bargaining, being reluctant to share information, structural impediments in putting inappropriate people at the discussion, cultural and gender difference any inds of spoilers should not be used and the language used should be simple and understanding to all parties. Mental barriers like Escalation, Partisan Perception, Irrational Expectation, Override confidence caused by ego, having shifting BATNA, not having a clear breakpoint, not understanding the other person, not sharing problem and understanding viewpoint, feeling invincible, etc. and should not be used during a nego tiation process. While there are no rights or wrongs, style also matters in a negotiation. This often reflects on the kind of person one is always best to consider how to proceed. There are 5 different styles and each can be detailed as below; Avoiding style is when you hates conflicts and try to avoid them at all cost. It is often associated with trying to withdraw from situation or try to pass the decision to someone else and hence very difficult to arrive at a conclusion. This kind of style can be used if the issue, relationship, decision is of less importance, but can cause problems if the relationship or issue is of importance. Using this too often can have a negative feeling. Accommodating is when trying to use relationship to solve a conflict. On the contrary if the other person is not accommodating and takes advantage there is nothing returned in the negotiation process a negotiation can be accommodating when no much importance is paid to the issue or when there are not arguments on one’s side of the table. This can often create problem if the outcome is going to be shared at it could show that other are taking advantage of your position. Competing is like trying to win and take control of the situation or considers a negotiation as wining and loosing. There is no attempt made on collaboration, or cooperation from others and if used often shall loose self-respect eventually. A competing strategy can be during a negotiation if there is an emergency and a decision is imminent. It could also be that one side is confident that they are right and have all the supporting’s and the situation is under their control Compromising negotiation often tries to find something amicable. This often results in giving and taking with moderate satisfaction to both parties. This could create problem while negotiation on very creative problem and could be used the working together s important with limited resources A good solution is often considered as a bottleneck and any collaboration is considered as forcing something on. Collaborating is more a problem solving style of negotiating. They are very imaginative who think about win-win situation and thing of expanding the pie. Issues and relationship are both given importance along with being coo perative and creative. All concerns are well addressed and as a result will not be able to exercise if time frame is too short. It is also not applicable the issues are trivial or no much preparation or rehearsing time. A negotiation can also be different when negotiation for yourself or for others. When negotiation for yourself you often tend to negotiate what is most beneficial to your whereas on the other hand when negotiation for a third party there is often a personal gain side that is looked at especially is cases where negotiating for a property via a real estate agent. However a third party negotiator can bring with him lots of experience that could also be very beneficial and will assist in a negotiation process. Thus for a negotiation it is important to understand one own style and to determine the other persons style as well. This will avoid unpleasant surprises during a negotiation. and will assist in the effective preparation of BATNA and reservation points We can thus understand that the process of negotiation is continuous and needs to be constantly improved. It is a process that needs to be understood and required to be planned and monitored using various strategies and resources. As part of continuous improvement it is important to create a process, train all participants to follow and monitor the process. This process can be improved by learning and summarizing from reflection after a negotiation. It is also important to consider that every negotiation must have a preparation process where goals and expectation are clarified. A clear BATNA have to be defined which everyone in the team is well aware off. Any smart suggestions need to be recognized and suitably rewarded. Develop a process that works best for oneself and use it to evaluate what works best and willingness to follow the process. And the most important to remember that all negotiations cannot be won and not to be abandon just because we are not able to achieve what we perceived. How to cite Introduction to Negotiation, Essay examples Introduction to Negotiation Free Essays Introduction to Negotiation Negotiation is and activity that every individual caries out in his everyday life. We are constantly negotiation with ourselves, our family, friends, business, etc. Every activity that happens is the result of a negotiation – â€Å"Pros and Cons†. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to Negotiation or any similar topic only for you Order Now And thus negotiation can be defined as; â€Å"The means by which people deal with their differences† Negotiation is a continuous and an evolving process especially in a supply chain environment. A company cannot meet the expectation of its customers or shareholders single handed and thus there is lot of negotiation is involved and it is a continuous process. It is a process that emerges when there is a difference and it cannot be settled single handed without a negotiation. Negotiation is not necessarily a win-loose process, but a good negotiation process is where both parties accept a mutually beneficial or amicable solution. A Negotiation can be distributive or integrative depending on how it been conducted. A negotiation which involves hard bargaining and is mostly concentrated on one topic where usually the winner takes all is a distributive negotiation. There is little or no attention paid to relationship, consideration or sharing of information and are very aggressive. On the contrary an integrative negotiation is a process in which all parties cooperate to maximize the benefit to all parties and is commonly referred to as expanding the pie. There is lot of understanding among the parties and importance is paid to how more value can be generated in a continuing partnership. Sometimes depending on the topic a negotiation can get very complex. It could get into a Multi Phase Negotiation stage where one negotiation could lead into another negotiation with the complexity increasing at each stage. It could also get into a Multiparty Negotiation where the needs and want of other parties will require to be explored and will be included into further negotiations. Though there are many types or causes of negotiation, it is always important for an effective negotiation to underline once BATNA (Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement) and their Reservation Point. A BATNA is something which every negotiator should have, and is completely under his control. With this he should be able to set up his reservation point, something beyond which he should not negotiate. Once these are clearly understood and negotiated up on, we can at most of the time identify the ZOPA (Zone of Potential Agreement), which in most of the times overlaps both parties’ reservation points. Apart from the above other main elements that plays an important role in a negotiation and the most important is listening. Both parties should pay attention, listen and acknowledge the other parties BATNA and Reservation Points. This will not only improve relationships and achieve in establishing a ZOPA, but could also be beneficial to other departments or other entities that could have connection with your unit or industry. There should also be lot of preparation involved prior to a negotiation and preparation should focus on all areas. While a negotiation can be very effective, it could have several barriers. Therefore it is always important that some level of effort is put in in prior and during the negotiation. It is important to respect all parties and acknowledge their interests and concerns. Finding areas of common interests and sharing same, providing a comfort zone for negotiation, talking about past experiences, etc. , are some of the few ways to unwind before going into a negotiation process directly. Similarly it is important that during negotiation a process is clearly followed. The point around which discussion is taking places is well identifies and not deviated from and a clear time line is established. It is also important that the right persons are involved during the negotiation and the points negotiated upon is justifiable There should be room for flexibility all barriers like lack of trust, excessive bargaining, being reluctant to share information, structural impediments in putting inappropriate people at the discussion, cultural and gender difference any inds of spoilers should not be used and the language used should be simple and understanding to all parties. Mental barriers like Escalation, Partisan Perception, Irrational Expectation, Override confidence caused by ego, having shifting BATNA, not having a clear breakpoint, not understanding the other person, not sharing problem and understanding viewpoint, feeling invincible, etc. and should not be used during a nego tiation process. While there are no rights or wrongs, style also matters in a negotiation. This often reflects on the kind of person one is always best to consider how to proceed. There are 5 different styles and each can be detailed as below; Avoiding style is when you hates conflicts and try to avoid them at all cost. It is often associated with trying to withdraw from situation or try to pass the decision to someone else and hence very difficult to arrive at a conclusion. This kind of style can be used if the issue, relationship, decision is of less importance, but can cause problems if the relationship or issue is of importance. Using this too often can have a negative feeling. Accommodating is when trying to use relationship to solve a conflict. On the contrary if the other person is not accommodating and takes advantage there is nothing returned in the negotiation process a negotiation can be accommodating when no much importance is paid to the issue or when there are not arguments on one’s side of the table. This can often create problem if the outcome is going to be shared at it could show that other are taking advantage of your position. Competing is like trying to win and take control of the situation or considers a negotiation as wining and loosing. There is no attempt made on collaboration, or cooperation from others and if used often shall loose self-respect eventually. A competing strategy can be during a negotiation if there is an emergency and a decision is imminent. It could also be that one side is confident that they are right and have all the supporting’s and the situation is under their control Compromising negotiation often tries to find something amicable. This often results in giving and taking with moderate satisfaction to both parties. This could create problem while negotiation on very creative problem and could be used the working together s important with limited resources A good solution is often considered as a bottleneck and any collaboration is considered as forcing something on. Collaborating is more a problem solving style of negotiating. They are very imaginative who think about win-win situation and thing of expanding the pie. Issues and relationship are both given importance along with being coo perative and creative. All concerns are well addressed and as a result will not be able to exercise if time frame is too short. It is also not applicable the issues are trivial or no much preparation or rehearsing time. A negotiation can also be different when negotiation for yourself or for others. When negotiation for yourself you often tend to negotiate what is most beneficial to your whereas on the other hand when negotiation for a third party there is often a personal gain side that is looked at especially is cases where negotiating for a property via a real estate agent. However a third party negotiator can bring with him lots of experience that could also be very beneficial and will assist in a negotiation process. Thus for a negotiation it is important to understand one own style and to determine the other persons style as well. This will avoid unpleasant surprises during a negotiation. and will assist in the effective preparation of BATNA and reservation points We can thus understand that the process of negotiation is continuous and needs to be constantly improved. It is a process that needs to be understood and required to be planned and monitored using various strategies and resources. As part of continuous improvement it is important to create a process, train all participants to follow and monitor the process. This process can be improved by learning and summarizing from reflection after a negotiation. It is also important to consider that every negotiation must have a preparation process where goals and expectation are clarified. A clear BATNA have to be defined which everyone in the team is well aware off. Any smart suggestions need to be recognized and suitably rewarded. Develop a process that works best for oneself and use it to evaluate what works best and willingness to follow the process. And the most important to remember that all negotiations cannot be won and not to be abandon just because we are not able to achieve what we perceived. How to cite Introduction to Negotiation, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Brand Management Mid Term Study Guide free essay sample

The exam will have a mix of multiple-choice questions and short answers, with a higher total number of points for short answer questions. NOTE: Anything and everything covered in class (through lectures, discussion, articles, activities, etc. ) and/or posted on Blackboard, are potential exam material. The topics listed below can be used as a Study Guide. However, from an exam point of view, that does NOT preclude the other material covered in class. Introduction to Basic Issues: defining a brand; new challenges; the concept of brand equity; steps in the strategic brand management process. Branding Innovations and New Products: Issues in branding innovations; different options in naming a new product/innovation; becoming brand exemplars; first mover issues; reasons for new branding innovations to succeed versus fail; reasons for branding an innovation. Brands, Branding, and Meaning of Brands: Brands and competitive advantage; brand story/meaning; brands and competitive advantages; brands as signals of product quality; designing branding strategy. We will write a custom essay sample on Brand Management Mid Term Study Guide or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Brand Positioning: Defining comparative frames of reference; issues related to PoP and PoD; brand positioning; product category membership; challenges in positioning; core brand values; brand mantras. Brand Extensions and Brand Portfolios: When are brand extensions appropriate? When are they successful/unsuccessful? Advantages/disadvantages of brand extensions; key aspects of brand portfolios; criteria for cutting down brands and brand extensions from a portfolio. Managing Brands over Time: Long-term vs. short-term foci and the related strategies; revitalizing a fading brand; improving and reinforcing brand image over time. HBS Cases: You should be familiar with the concepts/principles that we discussed in class in the context of the HBS cases, such as traditional vs. non-traditional branding strategies and breakaway positioning strategy.